
Problem. Fast and high-quality development of project solutions for transport infrastructure objects and other linear artificial structures is based on the application of automated design systems. Modern automated design systems use digital 2D and 3D terrain models as input data. The development of digital terrain modeling is motivated by both the development of automated design systems and the development of specialized geodesic equipment. Functional capabilities of modern geodetic equipment in combination with systems for automated processing of geodetic measurement results make it possible to significantly reduce the time of measurement and processing of results and significantly improve the quality of the obtained results. Goal. The goal is to analyze the features of building a digital 3D model of the terrain of linear structures based on the results of measurements by a mobile laser scanner. Methodology. The technical parameters and functional capabilities of the Trimble MX2 mobile laser 3D scanner were analyzed. The Trimble MX2 mobile laser scanner is a high-speed and productive scanning system designed for installation in a vehicle. Results. The Trimble MX2 mobile laser 3D scanner allows you to perform laser scanning of the road surface and the surrounding area and create output data for building a digital terrain model. A digital terrain model using this technology can be created without stopping traffic flow. The Trimble MX2 mobile laser 3D scanner is mounted on the base of a passenger car and requires the involvement of one driver and one surveyor operator. The main elements of the system – an inertial sensor, GNSS receivers and scanning heads allow obtaining a cloud of points with high positioning accuracy. The system is managed through the operator's console in the car interior. With the help of systems for automated processing of measurement results, the cloud of points is transformed into a geospatial model of the area, which allows you to obtain a digital model of the area many times faster than using traditional measurement methods. Originality. Thanks to the available Trimble MX2 GNSS receivers in the scanning system and with the help of the Trident Imaging Hub software complex, the obtained measurement results are linked to the desired coordinate system and the scanning system route is visualized, which enables to link all the obtained results with absolutely clear positioning on the terrain. Practical value. With the use of the Trimble MX2 scanning system, road surveys of Ukraine are already being carried out, which allows to quickly and qualitatively develop capital repair and reconstruction projects and to determine the necessary measures for the proper operational maintenance of road sections.

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