
Photoelectron spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations are used to investigate the electronic structure of the deprotonated anionic form of the aromatic amino acid tryptophan, and its chromophore, indole. The photoelectron spectra of tryptophan, recorded at different wavelengths across the UV, consist of two direct detachment channels and thermionic emission, whereas the hν = 4.66 eV spectrum of indole consists of two direct detachment features. Electronic structure calculations indicate that two deprotomers of tryptophan are present in the ion beam; deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group (Trp(I)-) or the N atom on the indole ring (Trp(II)-). Strong similarities are observed between the direct detachment channels in the photoelectron spectra of tryptophan and indole, which in conjunction with electronic structure calculations, indicate that electron loss from Trp(II)- dominates this portion of the spectra. However, there is some evidence that direct detachment of Trp(I)- is also observed. Thermionic emission is determined to predominantly arise from the decarboxylation of Trp(I)-, mediated by the ππ* excited state near λ = 300 nm, which results in an anionic fragment with a negative electron affinity that readily autodetaches.

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