
Abstract : Photo-assisted metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy (MOMBE), with an argon ion laser, has been used to grow GaAs. The substrate temperature was calibrated by an infrared laser interferometric technique with an accuracy of + or - 3 deg C. The MOMBE growth of GaAs, InAs, and InGaAs was first studied, by monitoring intensity oscillations of reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The actual arsenic incorporation rate was deduced from As-induced RHEED oscillations, and a unity V/III incorporation ratio could be obtained. In growing InGaAs, indium segregation suppresses the InGaAs growth rate. In laser- assisted MOMBE the enhancement of arsenic desorption with laser irradiation and its effects were observed. The decomposition of triethylgallium and desorption of arsenic compete with each other, resulting in a saturation in the enhanced growth rate in the arsenic-controlled growth regime. The initial growth behavior was also studied by inspecting the details of the RHEED behavior and arsenic surface coverage.... Molecular beam epitaxy, Photo-assisted, Metal-organics gallium arsenide, Indium arsenide, Argon ion laser

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