
Tengger community in Ngadas village Malang district has lived in harmony although those people follow three different religions as follows; Islam, Buddha and Hinduism. The harmonious values in that village have been transmitted from generation to next one by preserved folklore. This article concerns on the messages contained in the story of Roro Anteng-Joko Seger and the story of Setya-Setuhu- Ngadas Malang village version. This study uses hermeneutic approach. Findings of this research show that those stories contain valuable harmonious messages. The story of Roro AntengJoko Seger implies that a person should give the other’s good deed back to them. Furthermore, this story, then, created Kasada Ceremony and “gentenan” tradition among Tengger community. Meanwhile, the story of Setya-Setuhu is the origin of Karo tradition, a ritual to commemorate the death of two figures named Setya-Setuhu. This story depicts moral values for people in order to avoid conflict through respecting diversity and not claiming as the only one who is right in the society.


  • Masyarakat Tengger di Desa Ngadas Kabupaten Malang selama ini hidup rukun walaupun warganya menganut tiga agama: Islam, Budha, dan Hindu

  • Tengger community in Ngadas village Malang district has lived in harmony those people follow three different religions as follows; Islam, Buddha and Hinduism

  • This article concerns on the messages contained in the story of Roro Anteng-Joko Seger and the story of Setya-Setuhu- Ngadas Malang village version

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PENANGGUNG JAWAB Kepala Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

(Antropologi dan Pendidikan/UNNES Semarang) Dr David Samiyono, MTS., MSLS. (Lektur Keagamaan Islam/UIN Walisongo) Dr Muh. Soehadha, M.Hum. Dr Zakiyyudin Baidhawi (Pendidikan Agama/IAIN Salatiga) PEMIMPIN REDAKSI (EDITOR IN CHIEF) Drs Wahab, M.Pd. REDAKTUR PELAKSANA (MANAGING EDITOR) Joko Tri Haryanto, S.Ag., MSI. DEWAN REDAKSI (SECTION EDITOR): Drs Wahab, M.Pd. (Agama dan Masyarakat) Drs Mulyani Mudis Taruna, M.Pd. (Pendidikan Agama) Joko Tri Haryanto, S.Ag., MSI. (Agama dan Masyarakat) Mochammad Lukluil Maknun, M.A. (Agama dan Tradisi Keagamaan) Nurul Huda, S.Th.I. (Agama dan Tradisi Keagamaan) SEKRETARIS REDAKTUR (ASISTANT MANAGING EDITOR) Setyo Boedi Oetomo, S.Pd. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang Jl. Untung Suropati Kav. 70 Bambankerep, Ngaliyan, Semarang - Jawa Tengah

Latar Belakang
Kerukunan Umat Beragama
Cerita Lisan dan Folklor
Mengenal Masyarakat Tengger Ngadas Malang
Makna Kerukunan dan Praktik Sosial dari Cerita Kasada
Norma Sosial dalam Interaksi Sosial dari cerita Karo
Ketentuan Umum
Ketentuan Penulisan
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