
Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic Indonesia has responsibility in organizing and conducting hajj (pilgrimage). One of the important parts of the hajj execution is training of manasik hajj (guidance for those going on the hajj) which is conducted by ministry of religious affairs in a district and a municipality, including in Gorontalo district. This research aims to know the policy and the implementation of training of manasik hajj hold by office of ministry of religious affairs in Gorontalo district. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data were collected using interviews and documentary research. Data were analyzed using a technique offered by Miles and Huberman as follows; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. Results of this study depict that the policy on hajj implemented by office of ministry of religious affairs in a district and sub district is followed the policy issued by the central office Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta. Furthermore, the implementation of such training in the district and sub-district level was in line with the central office with some adjustments.


  • Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) bertanggungjawab terhadap penyelenggaraan ibadah haji

  • One of the important parts of the hajj execution is training of manasik hajj which is conducted by ministry of religious affairs in a district and a municipality, including in Gorontalo district

  • This research aims to know the policy and the implementation of training of manasik hajj hold by office of ministry of religious affairs in Gorontalo district

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Surat Dirjen

Haji dan Umrah pertemuan, bimbingan manasik (PHU), Kemenag RI - Kegiatan bimbingan manasik pada tingkat KUA bersinergis dengan. - Pembagian tugas tanggal 20 Mei 2013 - Alokasi waktu 1 kali pertemuan adalah 4 JPL - Kegiatan bimbingan manasik pada tingkat kabupaten/ - Terjadi penyesuaian jadwal. - Alokasi waktu 1 kali pertemuan adalah 4 JPL - Biaya bimbingan manasik haji pada tingkat manasik haji terdiri dari tentang Perubahan kabupaten/kota sebesar Rp. 30.000/setiap kali unsur ulama dan tokoh. Manasik Haji Tahun - Penetapan pembimbing manasik haji agar berasal dari unsur KBIH), 1436H/2015M memberdayakan pembimbing yang telah bersertifikat - Menyiapkan tenaga atau dapat berkoordinasi dengan unsur terkait, ulama pembimbing yang profesional dan tokoh agama Islam. KUA secara resmi telah ditetapkan sebagai pelaksanaan BMH di tingkat kecamatan. Perbedaan juga terjadi dalam jenis metode pembimbingan, yaitu bimbingan kelompok di KUA dan bimbingan massal diselenggarakan di Kemenag (Ma’shum dan Mansur (2015: 30-39); Syaukani (2009: 226))

Materi Bimbingan Manasik Haji
Kondisi sosial budaya di Arab Saudi dan akhlakul karimah
Bacaan talbiyah beserta
Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan bimbingan manasik haji
Alat peraga yang digunakan dalam bimbingan manasik haji
Kompetensi Pembimbing Manasik Haji
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