
This paper focuses on the design of the conventional CMOS digital circuits and the Multi-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) digital circuits, which perform the specific Boolean logic function, as well as the comparison between these designing techniques by their functionality and power consummation (dissipation). The leakage of currents in integrated circuits based on CMOS logic becomes quite significant when the complementary MOS transistors are the small-device geometries (small dimensions), and this effect imposes alternative techniques that enable the designing of CMOS digital circuits with low-power dissipation, even in standby mode. One of these techniques is the design of the CMOS digital circuits with multi-threshold voltage (MTCMOS), which enables the reduction of the leakage power dissipation, as a part of the overall power dissipation in CMOS logic. Two CMOS digital circuits are designed (2-input XNOR CMOS gate and the other one is the CMOS gate that performs a complex Boolean function) based on conventional CMOS technique and multi-threshold voltage CMOS technique, and their functionality and calculation of the average overall power dissipation are tested using the Computer-Aided Design (CAD). The methodology used to achieve low power dissipation in CMOS digital circuits (MTCMOS) will be an efficient method for reducing the overall dissipation, while the high speed performance will be maintained.

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