
E-learning represented a true revolution that generated training needs at educational institutional levels all around the world. As a result of COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face educational institutions were forced to change drastically from their regular teaching practice into virtual education. Consequently, the virtual teacher had to master skills, technological knowledge, and attitudes that would promote e-learning. With this premise, the objective of this research focused to analyze if the teachers of the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages (PINE, as per its initials in Spanish) Major possess sufficient skills, technological knowledge, and attitudes to teach in virtual mode. This study is quantitative-descriptive in nature and the study of the hypothesis is descriptive. The participants correspond to a sample of 87 aspirant students to Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages Major (PINE). The evaluation instrument was a survey with a Likert scale. The percentages of the responses were considered for the analysis and comparison of the Ideal and Real Profile of the virtual teacher. Both, the statistical results, and the comparison of the Ideal Profile versus the Real Profile of the teachers, presented data above the estimated 60%. Finally, this work contributes to virtual teaching practice in emerging times. The results show that, despite the urgency and the drastic form of the change in modality, teachers knew how to adapt themselves to this change and were able to work successfully in this new modality.

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