
Police Intelligence is one of the areas within the Indonesian National Police which functions as the eyes and ears of the Police organization in preventing and dealing with cyber crimes. The aim of this research is to analyze the role of Police Intelligence in carrying out early detection of cyber crime and to determine the obstacles faced by Police Intelligence in tackling cyber crime. This research uses an empirical normative research type, using primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly from research in the field, while secondary data consists of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The research results show that the role of intelligence and security in preventing the occurrence of Cyber ​​Crime crimes consists of a normative role and a factual role. The normative role is carried out based on provisions in statutory regulations, where in this case Intelkam plays a role in accordance with statutory regulations related to Cyber ​​Crime crimes. Meanwhile, the factual role is carried out by Police Intelligence and Security in dealing with cyber crimes based on the facts of threats that occur in people's lives. The obstacles faced by Intelkam in preventing cyber crime include human resources and infrastructure.

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