
AbstractThe principal has a great duty and responsibility in encouraging and facilitating the quality of educational program at a school. One of this is carrying out the main managerial duty and supervisory on teachers and education staff. According to the results of managerial supervision that have been carried on from January to April 2018, it was obtained 56% of all components of students management. To overcome this matter, the researcher has conducted a School Action Research entitled The Principal’s Effort In Improving Students Management Of School-Based Through Managerial Supervision of Smp Negeri 1 Sungai Raya. This research was conducted by involving the vice principal of students affairs and administration staff. The target of this research is the achievement of vice principal of students affairs and administration staff in the students management of school-based. The students management of school-based is a regulation for students that is began when they registered as the student until they have graduated at the school. This research was conducted through two cycles, in the first cycle 75% was obtained with good qualifications and 4 incomplete components of 25% with medium qualifications. In the second one, all components of the management of students have completed (100%). Based on these results, the principal has more motivation to improve the achievement of other school employees in order that completion of school administrative duties run better.Keywords: Principal, Student Management, Managerial Supervision


  • PENDAHULUAN Salah satu bentuk desentralisasi pendidikan dalam era otonomi daerah adalah pelaksanaan manajemen peningkatan mutu pendidikan berbasis sekolah

  • of this is carrying out the main managerial duty

  • This research was conducted by involving the vice principal of students affairs and administration staff

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Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 Pasal 15 tentang tugas pokok kepala sekolah pada ayat 1 yaitu beban kerja kepala sekolah sepenuhnya untuk melaksanakan tugas pokok manajerial, pengembangan kewirausahaan, dan sepervisi kepada guru dan tenaga kependidikan. Berdasarkan analisis hasil pengamatan secara langsung sesuai lembar instrumen data awal dan data lembar instrumen observasi siklus I ternyata dari 16 (enam belas) aspek ruang lingkup manajemen peserta didik di SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Ada 12 (dua belas) dokumen peserta didik yang lengkap yaitu dokumen Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB), Struktur Organisasi Peserta didik (OSIS), Program kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, Daftar siswa model 8355, Tata tertib sekolah, Buku Absensi Peserta Didik, Buku Induk Peserta Didik, Buku Leger, Buku Mutasi Peserta Didik, Dokumen prestasi Peserta Didik bidang akademik/non akademik, Dokumen penghargaan peserta Didik berprestasi dan Daftar penerima beasiswa; (2) Ada 4 (empat) dokumen peserta didik yang sudah ada tapi belum lengkap yaitu: Program kegiatan OSIS, Jadwal kegiatan ekstrakurikuler , Dokumen pengiriman Peserta Didik pada berbagai lomba dan Papan statistik Peserta Didik. Adanya diskusi yang aktif antara wakasek kesiswaan dan staf tata usaha, (3)

Kesungguhan untuk menyelesaikan kelengkapan administrasi peserta didik di SMP
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