
The development of the fisheries fresh water in cultivation especially in Buntu Pane sub district have challenges in funds are not independently fulfill the needs of feed natural silk worms ( Tubifex sp ) and hope for nature of the catch, leading to the need for community empowerment cultivator of the fish in cultivation feed natural silk worm (Tubifex sp). The purpose of the implementation of this activity is to empower the community cultivator of the increase of knowledge, a cultivator of the catfishes and skill of a pilot cultivation silk worm (Tubifex sp) that meets the needs of the cultivator of the natural feed and increase knowledge and attitudes in the application of he groups function as the vehicle cooperation and unity through swadaya dan swadana in group meeting. Extension activity was carried out on september 16 march to 18 may 2023 with the total number of as many as 10 people consisting of a representation of two groups cultivation fisheries fresh water that consist of Mekar Jaya and Kelompok Berkah. Data collection method through questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentation, while extension activities are carried out through the method of discourse, discussion, and pilot demonstrations using print extension media (folder) and real media. The activities of extension related to demonstrations of silkworm culture show the result of early evaluations and the end aspect of knowledge on demonstrations of silkworm culture with response by 10 people obtained an average of 48 and a change of 52 so that the average final evaluation becomes 100 or there is an increase of 52 %, aspect of attitude of 90.8 % of disapproving attitude becomes a agreeing attitude, section 66 % skill about making the maintenance media fast and precise, determines the dense thread of silk worms and makes a medium of silk worms with adoption at the end of 4 targets during the try and 1 target at the adoption stage. Group function extension activity has increased regarding the function of group aspects of knowledge of 18 %, aspect 93 % attitude of hesitation becomes a agreeing attitude, with adoption at the end of activity as many as 5 targets in the trying stage and 9 targets in the application stage.Key Word: cultivation; pilot demonstration; group function; extension

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