
The research in this thesis is motivated by several obstacles in the mathematics learning process, including: (1) Students feel bored because learning is more centered on the teacher while students tend to be passive (2) It is easy to forget to remember material because the delivery method is still conventional, namely lectures. and question and answer (3) The media used does not attract students' attention because the teacher only relies on LKS books. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out at MIN 2 Mojokerto, with the object of research being class V students. The approach used in this study was a quantitative descriptive approach with the type of Classroom Action Research. The stages of action research are carried out in 4 stages, namely: 1).Planning, 2).Implementation, 3).Observation, and 4).Reflection. While the data collection using observation techniques, tests and documentation. The results showed that learning by using snakes and ladders game media can improve learning outcomes of mathematics learning materials for class V MIN 2 Mojokerto. The increase in student learning outcomes can be seen in the test results between the pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II. The percentage increase in learning outcomes in the pre-cycle was 32% with an average of 58.96, then became 56% with an average of 58.20 in the first cycle and increased to 84% with an average of 76.60 in the second cycle.

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