
To improve student learning outcomes on Civics subjects about the consequences of not maintaining the environment, the researchers used Audio Visual learning media. This research uses classroom action research method with two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection is done by test. The data collection tools used are questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results showed that, learning result data obtained by learners in cycle I mean 83 (good) and experience increase in cycle II average 92,23 (very good). And for student motivation on audio visual learning media in cycle I is 80% (good) while in cycle II equal to 90,6% (good). Overall the value obtained for each aspect of the statement in the questionnaire has increased. Based on the results of these studies, it is evident that the application of the use of audio visual learning media on learning Civics can improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, the researcher recommends that classroom teachers use audio-visual learning media in classroom teaching.


  • To improve student learning outcomes on Civics subjects about the consequences of not maintaining the environment, the researchers used Audio Visual learning media

  • The results showed that, learning result data obtained by learners in cycle I mean 83 and experience increase in cycle II average 92,23

  • Based on the results of these studies, it is evident that the application of the use of audio visual learning media on learning Civics can improve student learning outcomes

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Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual dalam Mata Pelajaran PKn

Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn tentang akibat tidak memelihara lingkungan, maka peneliti menggunakan media pembelajaran Audio Visual. Alat pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data hasil belajar yang diperoleh peserta didik pada siklus I ratarata 83 (baik) dan mengalami kenaikan pada siklus II rata-rata 92,23 (sangat baik). Dan untuk motivasi siswa terhadap media pembelajaran audio visual pada siklus I sebesar 80% (baik) sedangkan pada siklus II sebesar 90,6% (baik). Secara keseluruhan nilai yang diperoleh untuk setiap aspek pernyataan dalam angket mengalami peningkatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, terbukti bahwa penerapan penggunaan media pembelajaran audio visual terhadap pembelajaran PKn dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Peneliti menyarankan agar guru kelas menggunakan media pembelajaran audio visual dalam mengajar di kelas

METODE PENELITIAN Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas II
Belajar Siswa
Pra Tindakan Evaluasi Siklus I
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