
The Visual Communication Design Department is one of departments at Faculty of Computer Sciences, Kuningan University which offers English Communication for Computer Graphic courses to 6t h semester students. This class requires the development of teaching materials that can help student understanding in studying these courses by collaborating with information technology assistance. Based on the results of observations in the previous semester, when the teaching, lecturer used classical lecture media in the form of power points, it did not provide understanding and interest in student learning. Based on the description above, to overcome the problem of lecturing in the English Communication for Computer Graphic course, the writers try to design multimedia teaching materials that include input material, content focus material, language focus material and tasks. The formulation of the problem in this research is: how to design and develop a multimedia learning media for the English Communication for Computer Graphic course that will be used in the teaching and learning process. The research on the developing multimedia learning in the English Communication for Computer Graphics course uses a Research and Development (R&D) research framework. The writers develop software in the form of English learning media for the Visual Communication Design Department. The research process was carried out by developing a product and conducting a validity test. There are many kinds of software that supports use in the process of creating interactive multimedia applications with their own functions. In making interactive multimedia application, they used several software. The software used is as follows: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Flash CS3, and Adobe Audition 1.5. With this multimedia-based teaching material, it is hoped that students can be actively involved in English lecture activities, especially in the English Communication for Computer Graphic course, and they can easily understand the content of the material provided so that at the end of the lecture students can use spoken English as well as written in their life, especially in understanding and communicating English in certain fields English for Specific Purposes). Keywords: Learning Media, English Communication for Computer Graphic.


  • Based on the description above, to overcome the problem of lecturing in the English Communication for Computer Graphic course, the writers try to design multimedia teaching materials that include input material, content focus material, language focus material and tasks

  • The research on the developing multimedia learning in the English Communication for Computer Graphics course uses a Research and Development (R&D) research framework

  • The software used is as follows: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Flash CS3, and Adobe Audition 1.5. With this multimedia-based teaching material, it is hoped that students can be actively involved in English lecture activities, especially in the English Communication for Computer Graphic course, and they can understand the content of the material provided so that at the end of the lecture students can use spoken English as well as written in their life, especially in understanding and communicating English in certain fields English for Specific Purposes)

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Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat dirumuskan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana merancang dan mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran multimedia mata kuliah English. Hal tersebut dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Khusus (ESP) mengacu pada pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing kedua di mana tujuan peserta didik adalah menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam domain tertentu. Maksudnya yaitu desain pembelajaran untuk EST harus memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk mendapatkan tujuan dari proses belajar-mengajar. Maksudnya yaitu bahwa fitur utama dari Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Keperluan Khusus (ESP) adalah bahwa konten dan tujuan kursus berorientasi pada kebutuhan khusus siswa. Pengembangan multimedia dilakukan berdasarkan 6 tahap, yaitu concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, dan distribution dimana masing – masing akan membentuk suatu media pembelajaran yang diinginkan. Distribution adalah langkah terakhir yang dilakukan jika testing telah dinyatakan layak

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