<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><strong>Background : </strong>Malaria is a disease caused by the <em>Plasmodium</em> parasite and is transmitted by the <em>Anopheles</em> mosquito and is still a health problem in Indonesia due to high mortality and morbidity. One form of a severe complication of malaria in addition to cerebral malaria is a function failure of the spleen. Today, the management of malaria is increasingly limited due to resistance. Therefore, further development is needed to find new innovations in malaria treatment.</p><p><strong>Purpose : </strong>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temulawak rhizome extract (<em>Curcuma xanthorhizza</em> Roxb.) On the level of necrosis in the spleen tissue of male BALB / c mice (<em>Mus musculus</em> L.) inoculated with <em>Plasmodium berghei</em> ANKA.</p><p><strong>Methods :</strong>Experimental research used a post-test only control group design that used five groups of mice. One group of mice was left normal while the other four groups were inoculated with <em>Plasmodium berghei</em> ANKA, positive control groups were given aquades and three treatment groups treated with temulawak extract (<em>Curcuma xanthorrhiza</em> Roxb.) With a dose of 150 mg / KgBB, 100 mg / KgBB, and 50 mg / KgBB for four day. On the fifth day an observation of the level of necrosis in the spleen organ of mice to determine the level of necrosis by histopathological examination using a light microscope.</p><p><strong>Conclusion and Result : </strong>The results of this study indicate that the administration of ginger rhizome extract (<em>Curcuma xanthorriza</em> Roxb.) Has an influence on the level of necrosis of male mice (<em>Mus musculus</em> L.) BALB / c inoculated with <em>Plasmodium berghei</em> ANKA α = 0,002 (ρ&lt;0,05), where the administration of temulawak extract can increase necrosis levels compared to the control group . This is probably due to the lack of temulawak extract dosage and lack of observation in this study.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords </strong>: Malaria, curcuma (<em>Curcuma xanthorrhiza</em> Roxb.), Necrosis level, <em>Plasmodium berghei</em> ANKA</p>
a disease caused by the Plasmodium
determine the effect of temulawak rhizome extract on the level of spleen necrosis of male mice inoculated with Plasmodium berghei ANKA
2nd group was inoculated with Plasmodium berghei ANKA
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian Posttest Only Randomized Control Group Design, digunakan 5 kelompok mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur BALB/c dan dibagi menjadi kelompok sebagai berikut : I. Kelompok Mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur BALB/c normal II. Kelompok Mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur BALB/c diinokulasi. Kelompok Mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur BALB/c yang terinfeksi. P. berghei ANKA dan diberi ekstrak rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.) dosis 150mg/kgBB/hari selama 4 hari berturut-turut. V. Kelompok Mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur BALB/c yang terinfeksi P. berghei ANKA dan diberi ekstrak rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.) dosis 50mg/kgBB/hari selama 4 hari berturut-turut. Pembuatan sediaan ekstrak rimpang temulawak dilakukan dengan cara maserasi. Ekstrak dibiarkan dalam suhu ruang atau dipanaskan dalam pemanas suhu rendah agar sisa metanol bisa menguap sampai habis dan ekstrak menjadi pasta kering (Hutomo & Winarno, 2005)
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