
The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of variables of transformational leadership style and working discipline towards the performance of village devices. This research uses a case study method conducted against the village device in Madukara Sub-district, Banjarnegara district. Questionnaires were distributed to 173 village device people. The result of this research has a number of advices for village officials, especially in Madukara sub-district of Banjarnegara district, to further improve its performance so that the village governance system is well maintained. The data analysis technique used is test of multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that variables of the transformational leadership style (X1) were significantly affected by the performance (Y) variables. Then the work discipline variable (X2) significantly affects the performance variable. Variables of the transformational leadership style and work discipline are simultaneously affecting the performance variables. The working discipline variable is the variable that most affects the performance of village devices in Madukara sub-district, Banjarnegara district.Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Work Discipline, Performance


  • The results showed that variables of the transformational leadership style (X1) were significantly affected by the performance (Y) variables

  • Transformational leadership and performance across criteria and levels: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of research

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Perangkat desa merupakan tingkatan pemerintahan terendah di dalam sistem pemerintahan nasional di Indonesia. Perangkat desa harus memiliki sumber daya manusia yang kompeten di bidangnya, sehingga dapat membantu kepala desa dalam melaksanakan tugas dalam menyelenggarakan system pemerintahan desa yang baik dan tepoat, melaksanakan pembangunan desa yang merata dan juga membina serta memberdayakan masyarakat desa. Hasil dari kinerja yang baik tersebut pada umumnya dapat dinilai dengan melihat taraf kehadiran karyawan, kemandirian dalam melakukan pekerjaan, kesetiaan kepada tempat dimana karyawan bekerja, inisiatif dalam melakukan sebuah pekerjaan, kepercayaan pada pekerjaan dan antusiasme ketika menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Kinerja tugas kepemimpinan, yang mana dapat dinilai baik buruknya melalui bagaimana seorang tenaga kerja dalam menetapkan tujuan strategis, menegakkan standar kinerja yang wajib dilakukan, memotivasi serta memimpin bawahan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang bisa dilakukan dengan cara memberi sebuah dorongan, pengakuan, dan kritik yang membangun (Pradhan & Jena, 2017)

Kepemimpinan Transformasional
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