
ABSTRACT This study intends to describe the view of international law and the application of jurisdictional concepts in the hijacking of the Singapore-owned ship, Kota Budi that occurred in Nigerian waters. There are some jurisdictional concepts that can be used in adjudicating this piracy case, such as; the concept of territorial, personal, extraterritorial jurisdiction, and the principle of protection. The research also aims to educate readers about; (1) the view of international law on international crimes such as piracy in general and, (2) the application of the jurisdiction concepts in the Kota Budi ship piracy. In achieving the research objectives, the kind of research method used by the author is descriptive research with the help of library research data collection techniques sourced from credible and valid books, journals, documents, and websites. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data the writer used qualitative analysis techniques and deductive writing style. The results of the study show that; (1) piracy is an international crime decided by the Convention on High Seas (CHS) 1985, United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC), International Maritime Organization (IMO), Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia) and the Convention for the Suppression of the Unlawful Acts of Violence Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA), and (2) the concepts of territorial, personal, extraterritorial jurisdiction and the concept of the principle of protection can be applied in adjudicating the Kota Budi ship piracy happened in Nigerian waters. Keywords : Jurisdiction implementation, international law, piracy, Kota Budi ship ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menggambarkan pandangan hukum internasional dan penerapan konsep-konsep yuridiksi dalam kasus pembajakan kapal Kota Budi milik Singapura yang terjadi di perairan Nigeria. Ada beberapa konsep yuridiksi yang dapat digunakan dalam mengadili kasus pembajakan ini, antara lain; konsep yuridiksi teritorial, personal, ekstrateritorial dan prinsip perlindungan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengedukasi pembaca mengenai; (1) pandangan hukum internasional terhadap kejahatan internasional seperti pembajakan pada umumnya dan, (2) penerapan konsep-konsep yuridiksi dalam pengadilan kasus pembajakan kapal Kota Budi. Dalam pencapaian berdasarkan tujuan penelitian, metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti yaitu jenis penelitian deskriptif yakni dengan menggunakan studi pustaka ( library research ) yang beasal dari buku, jurnal, dokumen dan website yang kredibel dan valid. Sedangkan dalam menganalisis data penulis memakai teknik analisis kualitatif serta gaya penulisan deduktif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) pembajakan ( piracy ) merupakan tindak kejahatan internasional berdasarkan hasil keputusan Convention on High Seas (CHS) 1985, United Nation Convention on the Law Of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC), International Maritime Organization (IMO), Kementrian Luar Negeri Indonesia ( Ministry of Foreign Affaris of The Republic of Indonesia ) dan Convention for the Suppression of the Unlawful Acts of Violence Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA), dan (2) dalam mengadili kejahatan pembajakan kapal Kota Budi Singapura di perairan Nigeria, dapat digunakan konsep yuridiksi teritorial, personal, ekstrateritorial dan konsep prinsip perlindungan Kata Kunci : Penerapan yuridiksi, hukum internasional, pembajakan, kapal Kota Budi

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