The orange fleshed sweet potatoes were used to produce flour, starch and the starch residue as fiber sources. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the partially substitution of orange fleshed sweet potato flour, starch, residue starch) in bread to the moisture content, ash content, specific volume, color parameter and sensory evaluation. This research used non factorial Completely Randomized Design i.e formulation of orange fleshed sweet potato flour, starch and residue in 15 %, 30 % , 45 % , and 60% substitution. The formulation of sweet potato flour, starch and residue increases significantly higher (p<0,01) moisture, ash and crude fibre content. The moisture content of bread in this study were 36,161%; 37,243%; 38,047%; 39,924% and the ash content of this bread were 1,08%; 1,16%; 1,21%; 1,32% for F1, F2, F3, F4, respectively. The lightness, hue, specific volume, hedonic color, taste, texture and general acceptance of this bread that resulted in this study were significantly higher (p <0,01) and the aroma was significantly (p< 0,05) reduced, but increased the moisture, ash, crude fibre content, a and b values by the increment of sweet potato flour, starch, and residue. The formulation of composite flours consists of orange sweet potato flour, starch and residue starch can be influence the moisture, ash content, color parameter, specific volume and sensory evaluation of the bread.
Ubi jalar orange adalah salah satu umbi yang kaya akan pati, gula, mineral, dan vitamin A dalam bentuk β-karoten
Evaluation of the nutritional and sensory quality of functional breads prepared from whole wheate and soybean flour
Bread Produced from Wheat, Maize and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Flours
Pati, dan tepung serat ubi jalar orange selanjutnya digunakan sebagai bahan substitusi terigu dalam pembuatan roti dalam bentuk tepung komposit. Perbandingan tepung terigu, tepung ubi jalar, pati ubi jalar dan tepung serat ubi jalar yang digunakan pada tepung komposit tersebut adalah 85 : 5 : 5 : 5; 70 : 10 : 10 : 10; 55 : 15: 15 : 15; dan 40 : 20 : 20 : 20. Tepung komposit sebanyak 100 g diaduk bersama dengan 10 g susu skim bubuk, 2 g garam, ragi 2%, bread improver 2 % (Dako et al, 2016), 10 g shortening dengan menggunakan mixer dan penambahan air 65-75 ml selama 2 menit pada kecepatan rendah (kecepatan yang pertama) dan selama 8 menit pada kecepatan medium (kecepatan kedua) hingga adonan mengembang. Adonan ditutup dengan kain bersih dan dibiarkan selama 10 menit, lalu dilakukan pengulenan adonan dan dibiarkan lagi selama 15 menit pada suhu ruangan. Roti dengan mutu terbaik yang dilihat dari kandungan serat kasar dan penerimaan panelis, selanjutnya dianalisa kadar serat pangannya (AOAC, 2012)
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