
Depik fish (Rasbora tawarensis) is an endemic freshwater fish typical of Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh. Gayo people usually buy depik fish in fresh or processed form in the form of dried depik and belacan depik. This research is a laboratory experimental study that aims to analyze the quality of depik fish and its processed products (fresh, dry and fermented depik fish). The parameters analyzed consisted of chemical analysis in the form of proximate analysis (moisture, ash, protein, fat and fiber content) and microbiological analysis by calculating the total plate count (TPC) of total mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and fungi. The results showed that there were differences in the chemical and microbiological characteristics of depik fish with their processed products. Fresh depik has the highest water content, while dry depik has the highest fat and protein content. The highest ash content and fiber content were obtained at belacan depik. The highest total of mesophilic bacteria was obtained in fresh depik, while the highest total of lactic acid bacteria was obtained in fermentation depik. Fungal populations were only found in dry depicts and fermentation depik


  • Ikan depik (Rasbora tawarensis) merupakan ikan air tawar endemik khas Danau Laut Tawar di Aceh Tengah, Provinsi Aceh

  • Paper must be submitted to http://journal.trunojoyo.ac.id/agrointek/index and journal template could be download here

  • The abstract is a condensed version of an article, and contains important points ofintroduction, methods, results, and conclusions

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Persiapan Bahan Baku

Ikan depik segar yang baru ditangkap nelayan langsung dikumpulkan dan dibagi menjadi 3 bagian. Satu bagian ikan depik segar (A) tetap dibiarkan dalam pendingin untuk selanjutnya dibawa ke Laboratorium untuk dianalisis. Dua bagian lagi dijemur selama dua hari hingga menjadi depik kering (B dan C). Depik kering satu bagian (B) langsung disimpan untuk dianalisis, sedangkan satu bagian lagi (C) diproses dengan fermentasi menjadi belacan depik. Langkah awal dilakukan dengan menjemur ikan depik segar dibawah matahari selama 2-3 hari hingga diperoleh ikan depik kering. Ikan depik kering ini selanjunya digiling dan ditambahakan garam dan rempah. Campuran ini diaduk rata selanjutnya dimasukkan kedalam wadah tertutup dan diinkubasi selama 7 hari. Diagram alir pengolahan ikan depik segar menjadi produk olahannya (depik kering dan belacan depik) dapat dilihat pada Gambar 1

Analisis Produk
Depik segar Depik kering Depik fermentasi
Kadar Abu
Kadar Lemak
Kadar Protein
Kadar Serat
Analisis Mikrobiologis
Total Jamur
Isolation and Identification of Fungi from
Content in Laut Tawar Lake Aceh Tengah
Diagnozing Fish Disease Using Expert
Article Structure
Full Text
Paper version not known

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