
Non-Formal PAUD is currently developing rapidly, which was established by the village government and community organizations as a form of implementing the 1 Village 1 PAUD government recommendations. No exception in Kecammatan Manisrenggo, Klaten Regency, where most of the area is rural. The research method used in this research is qualitative research method which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The data that has been obtained from the field will be analyzed descriptively. Data in the form of interviews, observations, field notes, documentation and others will be outlined in a systematic and accountable descriptive form in accordance with field conditions, neither added nor subtracted, solely to find out about the opportunities and challenges of Non-Formal PAUD in Manisrenggo District. Klaten Regency. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the non-formal PAUD institutions in Manisrenggo District were organized by the Village / Kelurahan Government, as well as foundations or community organizations. All of them are evenly distributed throughout the Manisrenggo area, so that the community can involve their children in local non-formal PAUD services. There are 75% of the 16 Villages / Kelurahan in Manisrenggo that have a non-formal PAUD institution. While the remaining 25% of villages / kelurahan have 2 non-formal PAUD institutions. This illustrates that the non-formal PAUD in Manisrenggo has spread evenly in every village / kelurahan. The opportunities for implementing PAUD with a non-profit orientation in Manisrenggo District are more wide open, compared to those that are profit-oriented. The reason is because most of the population in Manisrenggo sub-district has middle to lower economic welfare. There are 2 PAUD implementation, namely: internal (from within the institution), namely related to financing, quality of educators, etc., and external external challenges (from outside PAUD), namely related to institutional relations with the community, environmental conditions, etc. This challenge is clearly experienced in Manisrenggo District, this is evidenced by the existence of three non-formal PAUD institutions that have closed in the last 5 years.Keywords: Non Formal PAUD, Opportunities and Challenges of PAUD Implementation

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