
Early childhood education is held for children from birth to six years and is not a requirement to attend basic education. This study aims to determine whether children's creativity can be increased by using the picture story method. This study uses the type of CAR. Techniques to obtain data in this study are through observation, interviews and documentation. The data in this study were analyzed by descriptive qualitative flow model. This study shows that there is an increase in children's creativity using the picture story method, namely in Group B Kindergarten Pembina in pre-cycle showing 40%, creativity in the first cycle by 66.6% and increasing creativity in the second cycle reaching 86.6%. Supporting factors in increasing children's creativity using the picture story method have several indicators, namely creative reactions, children's attention, confidence in children, development of children's imagination, and increasing new vocabulary. The conclusion of this research is that students' creativity can be increased by using the storytelling method with visuals. This method can increase the creativity of students and is highly recommended to Kindergarten so that this method should be used once a week, once every 2 weeks or even once a month, because this method stimulates children to listen and respond spontaneously to what the teacher is telling.Keywords: Creativity, Early Childhood, Picture Stories.

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