
One of the non-formal educational institutions is early childhood education. The efforts made by parents in educating and fostering children at an early age provide a stimulus in helping physical and spiritual growth and development from birth until the child is considered mature, before he learns at a later age. The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of Islamic religious education is implemented by both parents in early childhood. This research is a qualitative research conducted in Sukodadi Village, Sukarami Districti , Palembang. This research presents a qualitative descriptive report through observation, interview and documentation. The technique of drawing conclusions using purposive sampling is a method of selecting informants based on certain characteristics, using personal considerations according to the research topic, where the object of this study is the parents of the guardians of children in PAUD Sukodadi. As for the results of this study, the process of planting Islam is the Implementation of Religious Education in Early Childhood in Sukodadi Village Sukarami District,, has been going quite well. Before the implementation of the learning process has been planned first which is included in the RKH and RKM, then in the implementation they try to implement it according to the activity plan that has been made as closely as possible. As for the methods used in PAUD Sukodadi, the first is the method playing, the second is the field trip method, the third is the storytelling method, the fourth is the singing method, the fifth is the sixth method, this exemplary method is required to have good character, because schools, educators are friendly and speak well. From the results of these studies that Islamic education early childhood is the main solution for children towards higher education.Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Early Childhood

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