
In the article, based on the analysis of the source and scientific base of the problem of innovation and innovative activity, the key concepts of further research are described, the discussion issues are characterized and our view on the studied construct is outlined. We understand the pedagogical message as a pedagogical professional orientation and the content of innovative activity of future specialists in various fields of education. Definitions of concepts and phenomena “innovation”, “innovation in education”, “innovational activity”, “pedagogical provision in innovation education” are considered. The origin in the scientific circulation of the concept of “innovation” has been clarified. We understand pedagogical innovations as a creative educational process of innovations aimed at updating the content, forms, means and methods of teaching and education, application of new (both in content and form) technologies, organizational dialogue, interactive forms of teacher interaction with students who change globally the nature of the acquisition of professional skills by future specialists and certify the effectiveness of the end result. We consider the innovative activity of students as the orientation of the student’s personality to active scientific and pedagogical activity to obtain new educational, scientific or professional information, immersing themselves in a new information space. The origins of research on the problem of “innovation” and “innovative activities” date back to the second half of the ХІХ century in foreign pedagogical science with the emergence of a new pedagogical field – experimental pedagogy (A. Binet, O. Decroly, A. Lai, E. Clapered, V. Kilpatrick, E. Mayman, E. Thorndike and others), the core of which was creative development of the personality. The historical scientific digression on the studied construct testified to the priority of the functioning of the related term “innovation”, which was formulated by E. Rogers. According to M. Lapin, “innovation” is a conscious introduction also in the main features of reproduction (replication), change of the structure and (or) process of functioning of the sociotechnical system as an element or subsystem and meet both the laws of society development and internal laws of development of object that changes. Under pedagogical innovations we will understand the creative educational process of innovations aimed at updating the content, forms, means and methods of teaching and educating future professionals, the use of new (both in content and form) technologies, organizational dialogue forms of teacher-student (professor-students) interaction, which globally change both the content and forms of its acquisition and educational outcomes. We understand innovative activity in the educational process of higher education institutions as an integrated interaction of teachers-innovators of professional disciplines, activities of students-performers and students-initiators, ready not only to introduce innovations in the process of their professional training, but also to initiate innovations.

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