
The essence of innovative activity of manager of secondary education institution is determined in the article. It was considered the conditions, necessary for the implementation of innovative management activities. These include: support of innovative activity by state and local education authorities; preparation of the team for innovative activity; material and informational support of innovative activity; increase of professional competence of managers; scientific advising of participants in the educational process on innovative activity.An example of the use of school local area network software in management activity of managers, that improve the quality of education, is given. The developed modules of the improvement of the qualification of managers of educational institutions and preparation for innovative activity are listed. It was analyzed the stages of introduction of innovations in the secondary education institutions.The normative-legal documents, which reflect the issue of innovations in education: Laws of Ukraine “About Education”, “About General Secondary Education”, “About Innovative Activity”, “About Priority Areas of the Innovative Development of the State”, the Regulations “Aboutn the Procedure for the Implementation of the Innovative Educational activity” and “About the experimental general educational institution”.The article proves, that innovative activity in secondary education institutions is the search and use of modern concepts, principles and approaches to the system of education; making specific changes to the content, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing pupils, and ensures the effective management of the educational process. Application of innovations in educational activity of the educational establishment promotes the development of creative potential of pupils and style of thinking.

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