
Humans in running life always want happiness. This is because the purpose of human life is towards happiness. Every individual will never be the same in experiencing happiness because happiness cannot be assessed absolutely but relatively. In studying happiness, this article discusses 2 concepts of happiness according to hedonism and eudaimonism. The view of hedonism says that every individual is actually looking for as much happiness as possible and always avoids all feelings that result in pain. Aristippus who is a figure of hedonism stated that the purpose of life is happiness that is obtained through a movement that is smooth, weak, graceful, pleasure and far from pain as a dream for every individual. Epicurus continued who viewed the purpose of life as atraxia, namely the absence of fear, peace of mind, the absence of restlessness or anxiety. Eudaimonism has the view that happiness is the highest good. Socrates argues that humans in their lives have aspirations to achieve happiness which can be achieved if each individual has the virtue of knowing something "good". Aristoteles considered that happiness was the ultimate goal of everything he did. This can be assessed by the way each individual views his own life and is always grateful for whatever is in himself. Writing this article uses literature study by reading books, articles, watching movies or videos to get information about the topic being discussed.

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