
Comoros, one of the smallest countries in Africa, is located in the Indian Ocean. Consisting of the Grande Comore, Anjouan, Mwaliand, Mayotte islands, the first three of the Comoros Islands form an independent state, while the other is an overseas colony of France. Almost all of the people in this island state in East Africa are Muslims. One of the states that the Comoros, which has been closely interested by European states for many years due to its geopolitical position, has established relations throughout history is the OttomanEmpire. The Comoros, which witnessed the struggle for influence between the British and the French in the 19th century, tried to establish mutual relations through Muslim scholars and notables who applied to the Ottoman Empire. Accordingly, Comoros, which specifically asked for help from the Ottoman Empire, will try to establish a main stay against foreign occupation for the community. On theotherhand, theSublime Porte wouldtakevariousmeasurestoprotectthe Comoros Muslims against the Western colonialists. In this study, the multifaceted relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Comoros Islands will be examined and evaluated through archival documents and specific sources.

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