
The basis of the formation of capital costs is the resource provision of the construction of the object, which should take into account the features of the applied technologies and methods of construction in different climatic conditions. The article analyzes the normative documents regulating the organizational and technological features of conducting construction works and establishing requirements for additional resource provision, depending on the different climatic conditions of the winter period. On the basis of the evaluation of the initial conditions as well as the complicating factors of production of works included in the estimate rate for the winter rise in price, the additional resourcing production work in the winter, did not take into account in the estimated standards, is substantiated. Additional resource provision when conducting works in winter in areas exposed to winds of more than 10 m/s is considered. The additional costs of temporary heating and accelerated drying (outside the heating period) to eliminate the high humidity of structures or treated surfaces when producing finishing and other special works are justified. The significance of the study conducted is the practical account of the additional necessary resource provision of the enterprises of the construction complex to ensure the quality execution of construction and installation works.

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