
The article characterizes the list of organizational and pedagogical conditions in computer science classes and examines their influence on the formation of digital competence through the use of web-based technologies in the education of high school students of secondary education institutions.The psychological and pedagogical conditions are considered as an important component in the formation of individual characteristics of high school students.The scientific and methodological conditions are analyzed as a leading component for informatics teachers during the preparation of students for correct work with hardware and software tools.The sanitary and hygienic conditions as a component of personality formation under the influence of the environment is highlighted. The main possibilities of optimizing the teaching of informatics through the use of web-oriented technologies to increase the efficiency of learning the educational material are revealed.The concept of "educational design" as high-quality E-learning content was formed.They studied scientific researches, works, experiments of scientists of this problem M. Leshchenko, Yu. Nosenko, A. Sukhikh, M. Yastrebova. The psychophysical characteristics of students and the main groups of factors that negatively affect their physical and mental health were outlined.It was found that compliance with organizational and pedagogical conditions forms a comprehensively developed person who strives for self-knowledge, improvement, is responsible for his actions when working on the World Wide Web.It is noted that the use of web-oriented technologies, which are based on organizational and pedagogical conditions, create optimal conditions for revealing the potential of the personality of high school students.The problems of the implementation of web-oriented technologies in organizational and pedagogical conditions in the education of high school students of secondary education institutions are highlighted and characterized. The danger of Internet addiction and disorder of students in the World Wide Web is presented. A tool for self-diagnosis of Internet addiction has been created for Internet users. Other dangers on the Internet, such as cyberphishing and cyberbullying, are highlighted. Their concepts have been formed.

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