
Prof.-in-Ordinary A. Süheyl Ünver, a medical doctor was a craftsman trying to revive the traditional decorative arts that have been forgotten (Born in 1898-Died in 1986). A. Süheyl Ünver, who had famous calligraphers in his family, grew up in an art environment including his family elders, and graduated successfully from both schools by studying in Medicine and Medreset'ül Hattatin (diploma and ratification in the fields of illumination and marbling). Within the scope of this study, some researches were made about two different designs made by Prof.-in-Ordinary A. Süheyl Ünver and used on the diplomas of undergraduate and graduate departments of many faculties of Istanbul University. As it could be understood from the samples of diploma examined, one of these designs was used more than the other one from the end of the 1930s to the first decade of the 2000s. It is seen that the said design was applied in two different ways (as frame with edging-patterned text and only frame with edging) in the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, which was established in 1967, and it continues to be used in all undergraduate and graduate programs of Trakya University today. Elements of edging and text ground ornamentation of two different samples on the diplomas of Istanbul University are classified according to their motif groups. Design samples (curve, guilloche) which were characteristics of the Anatolian Seljuk period and samples of early Ottoman ornamentation (herbal motifs, rumi and guilloche designs) were drawn and differences and similarities seen on the diplomas and designs are compared. Keywords: Prof.-in-Ordinary A. Süheyl Ünver, university diplomas, curve, guilloche, needle

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