
The role and importance of local architecture in the traditional texture are significant. Traditional dwelling as part of the local architecture; The influence of religion shapes the family structure of the people living in the region, culture, social relations, climate, and topography. The concept of storage, which defines a meaningful service action in traditional dwellings, has a regional approach inspired by both socio-cultural and natural environments in terms of space and reinforcement fiction. In this context, as the fruit of centuries of past experience, the storage areas in the space and reinforcement of traditional dwellings have unique qualities. These areas' protection, registration, and sustainability are essential for the cultural identity. In this direction, of the study, the storage areas in traditional Turkish dwellings; functional construction (Space-Action Relationship) and reinforcement properties (Fixed and Moving Reinforcements), and construction technique-material and ornamental properties of these units were examined. In the light of the examinations made, the traditional Turkish dwelling storage units, woodshed, haystack, storeroom-warehouse, pantry room, and attic used in functional fiction; fixed and moving units are determined to consist of fixed equipment such as load, cabinet systems, rack-sergen, fixed granary and moving equipment such as cubes, baskets, crates and moving grain warehouses. It is thought that the storage action, an essential part of daily life, will be a source for other research in examining the traditional Turkish dwelling buildings, determining their cultural qualities, transferring them to future generations, and creating an archive for the cultural inventory. Keywords: Traditional Turkish Dwelling, Interior Architecture, Venue and Equipment Fiction, Storage Units

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