
Goals: Optimize the company's warehouse area using the 5S methodology; Reduce to the maximum, the time wasted in search of the necessary tools when carrying out any type of work; Increase the space or useful area in the company's warehouse; Keep existing material and the right tools in the right place. Methodology: The qualitative approach of the 5S method involves the observation and detailed analysis of processes and work spaces to identify opportunities for improvement in terms of organization and cleanliness. It is a methodology that seeks to understand the user experience and how it relates to their work environment, in order to design solutions that suit their needs. The qualitative approach of the 5S method seeks to improve the quality of life and satisfaction of workers, which in turn can have a positive impact on productivity. Investigation: What is the 5S methodology?; What is the impact of good warehouse management within a company?. Contribution: It was possible to organize and assign a space for each tool, obtaining with this the reduction of time in the search for tools and materials in the warehouse area.

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