
The cultivation of rice in coastal areas faces low nutrient availability and a texture dominated by the sand fraction. This has caused a decrease in uptake, however, it can be increased in upland rice using humic acid and micro fertilizers. Therefore, this research aims to determine the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in three upland rice varieties that were inoculated with biological fertilizers, micro-fertilizers, and humic acid. It was carried out from July to December 2020 in the Beringin Raya Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City. The experimental design used was a split- plot design , with the main plot consisting of 3 upland rice varieties, namely the Inpago 10, the Red and the White Rice. Meanwhile, the subplots were input consisting of 3 types, namely humic acid, micro and recommended inorganic fertilizers measuring 200 kg Urea/ha, 100 kg SP36/ha, and 100 kg KCl/ha, respectively The 2 factors were combined to obtain a total of 9 treatment combinations and were repeated 4 times, which makes 36 experimental units. The results showed that the combination of Inpago varieties and humic acid produced the highest levels of N. The Inpago 10 variety had the highest N, P, and K content, while the highest N uptake and dry weight of stover were produced by the Putih variety. The consistent application of humic acid led to higher levels and uptake of N, P, K as well as dry weight of the stover than the micro and recommended fertilizers.

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