
The article analyzes mainstreaming methods of proper names artistic connotations and stylistic potential in the last novel by V. Vinnichenko. The subject of consideration is the onymicon of the author’s last novel “It’s up to you, Stalin”, its connotative and functional content. The structure and composition of the onymic space are the characteristic features of the writer's idiostyle. The organization of the onymic space of the Vinnychenko’s novel is the result of the author’s creative reinterpretation of the real onymic system, determined by the individual author’s choice, the subjective reflection of the objective, the author’s playing with the common language onomastic norms. When choosing proper names for their works, the masters of the artistic word strive for balance, relevance to the whole text and pragmatic orientation on the reader. The relevance of the article is determined by the need for a comprehensive and thorough study of the onymic system of the author, doomed to emigration and oblivion and a long-term concealment of his works. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively analyze the onymic space of the novel “It’s up to you, Stalin!”, the specifics of the proper names as the markers of the writer's idiostyle. It is proved that the onyms in the novel “It’s up to you, Stalin!” are the identifiers that reveal the author's concept and ideological positions. Careful selection of the onyms and their inclusion in the context of the novel makes the proper names one of the most important components of the artistic work and a powerful stylistic device.

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