
The article is devoted to the consideration of the national noun of Olga Kobylyanska’s prose works. Research objects, the space of the prose discourse of the Bukovyna writer. The subject of consideration of anthroponyms that represent national nouns in literary texts is their connotative and non-fulfilling functions. The purpose of the investigation is to demonstrate the connotative potential, the stylistic role and functional features nationally marked nominations, to illustrate their contrasting opposition in the general context of the writer’s work, to analyze the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of individual anthroponyms, to determine their functions, stylistic and expressive-potential. The descriptive4 and statistical method, as well as the method of stylistic analysis of artistic works, were used in the research process. The originality of nationally marked nominations is highlighted; their role in the development of the plot, the creation of the characters’ characters in the disclosure of the author’s idea is demonstrated. It was been proven that the proper names of the characters of representatives of different peoples are a bridge, an icon, a theme, a bright stylistic detail, a means of creating bright characteristics and building a plot. It was found that foreign proper names constitute a significant group of names in the artistic work of Olga Kobylyanska, they are an indicator of national and local flavor, contain social, ideological and other parameters and in many emphasize the extraordinary nature of the character. It is determined that the national index in the transparent disk of all craftsmen is an important color of the author’s palette. Olga Kobylyanska uses this technique to create broad national pictures using a certain set of nationally marked nominations and for individual inclusions in a specific text with the aim of accentuating this indicator or for contrasting demarcation of characters.

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