
The object of this article is the semantic feature of the title personage in the historical novel by V. Malyk «Prince Igor». The stylistic role of the proper names was analyzed also. Their role was revealed in the local and temporal structure of the literary work. In the title of any belle-letter word carries a special expressive, semantic and stylistic load plays a role of laconic lexical epicenter then fi guratively and captiously conveys the meaning of the whole work. The specifi c of the title makes him the leading value for belle-letter context. It is the fi rst sign of the work and the fi rst element of removable storage space, an original thesis that is revealed in the process of reading the work. The title combines the artistic text becomes the key to its interpretation. Using of the proper name of the title personage depends on the themes of the work, on the artist’s intention. This is a cause of the functioning of concrete variants of title. Author thinks out care every using of the title. It demonstrated the large spectrum of fi gurative and expressive transformations and close cooperation with all linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The result of the study of functioning of title personage’s proper name establishes about its pragmatic orientation and great connotative potential, which contains activate stylistic and expressive component. That extends expression of the title, its importance for create the artistic chronotope. The main fi ndings of the research are that the proper name of title personage performs text-forming, chronotopic (time and space showing), characterizing, and expressive functions, which facilitate revealing the general met message and the artist’s intention of the text.

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