
The component of weather forecasts is onym vocabulary. The productive element is proper names of cyclones and anticyclones. The purpose of our research is to establish syntactic models of inserting proper names of cyclones and anticyclones and to highlight the specifics of their functioning. Considering this, it is necessary to state the indicated proper names in the selected material, to determine the typical ways of their representation in text and to establish the means of expression of personification. The object of research is the proper names of cyclones and anticyclones, and the subject is models of their insertion into the text and peculiarities of functioning. Descriptive, functional-interpretative and structural methods made a comprehensive analysis of the subject of study possible. The source base was weather forecasts, represented on air of the radio station “Kraina FM”. Six syntactic models of cyclone nomination are stated: common name + proper name; common name + name + proper name; common name + with (modifier) name + proper name; common name + with (modifier) name + proper name; proper name; proper name + inconsistent modifier / adverbial. The first four are productive models for the nomination of anticyclones. Due to the personification, the cyclone and the anticyclone are perceived by means of visual, acoustic and tactile analyzers. Four productive means of expressing personification in weather forecasts are specified. Emotional and evaluative coloring of a statement and weather forecast genre in general depends on the method of insertion of cyclones proper names and used stylistic devices. The prospect of further research we see in elucidating the communicative and stylistic role of other categories of the chrononym frame.

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