
A t-spanner is a subgraph of a graph G in which the length of the shortest path between two vertices never exceeds t times the length of the shortest path between them in G. A geometric graph is one whose vertices are points and whose edges are line segments between the corresponding points. Geometric t-spanners are t-spanners of the complete geometric graph on a given point set. Besides approximating the distance between points, we may ask a geometric t-spanner to be planar, have low degree, or low total edge length.One famous algorithm used to generate spanners is path-greedy, which scans pairs of vertices in non-decreasing order of edge length and adds the edge between them unless the current set of added edges already connects them with a path that t-approximates the edge length. Graphs from this algorithm are called path-greedy spanners. This work analyzes properties of path-greedy geometric spanners under different conditions. Specifically, we answer an open problem regarding the planarity and degree of path-greedy t-spanners for points in convex position in 2D. Further, we show a simple and efficient way to reduce the degree of a geometric spanner by adding extra points.

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