
What are the contents that would be part of the category of powerful objects?This work proposes an approach to this question based on an analysis of a photograph thatshows persons who had a leading role in the social life of two wooden boxes of San Antoniode Padua that are in one of the churches of San Pedro Estacion. From observations in situand work with the social and family memory of local inhabitants, it is recognized thatthe category of powerful objects, in this case, is a paradox since an object, the saint’s box,brings together two opposing social and symbolic universes, viz. the European-Catholicand the Andean one. However, these universes have been resignified by families of SanPedro Estacion when integrating them into their biographies. Thus, memory, the deviceof their survival, is their power and at the same time their agency. In this way, this articlewants to contribute to a broader discussion about the contents of the powerful as a valuethat ensures the vitality of objects throughout their multiple social lives.


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  • What are the contents that would be part of the category of powerful objects? This work proposes an approach to this question based on an analysis of a photograph that shows persons who had a leading role in the social life of two wooden boxes of San Antonio de Padua that are in one of the churches of San Pedro Estación

  • From observations in situ and work with the social and family memory of local inhabitants, it is recognized that the category of powerful objects, in this case, is a paradox since an object, the saint’s box, brings together two opposing social and symbolic universes, viz. the European-Catholic and the Andean one

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El inicio

Este artículo propone un acercamiento a algunos de los objetos que se encuentran en el altar de la iglesia grande de San Pedro Estación, localidad que se ubica a 3240 msnm, en la provincia de El Loa, en el sector de quebradas altas, formando parte de la cuenca San Pedro-Inacaliri o río San Pedro-Inacaliri, y situada en el curso inferior de la cuenca (II región de Antofagasta). Los objetos son cajas que contienen imágenes de San Antonio de Padua, devoción que en el contexto de los Andes del Sur, particularmente en la Audiencia de Figura 1. En el pueblo de San Pedro Estación, el 13 de junio es el día grande de la celebración del santo patrono San Antonio de Padua. En la iglesia grande de la localidad hay unas pequeñas cajas de madera, y en su interior está San Antonio de Padua. En el tiempo, se han ido constituyendo en amparos o experiencias de afecto, insertas en la historia, costumbres y hábitos de familias y sus biografías, integrándose al mundo de los vivos, cada 13 de junio, el día grande de la fiesta, cuando las cajas de madera salen a caminar, en andas, por el poblado de San Pedro Estación.

Maria Carolina Odone Correa
Objetos del altar de la iglesia grande
Lucas Cruz Vilca y Feliciana Esquivel Puca son los
Las cajas de madera son una construcción social
Las cajas de santos son objetos que reúnen espacios
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