
The Federal Fund in Defense of Diffuse Rights and the misuse of its resources Este artigo analisa, empiricamente, a gestão Fundo Federal de Defesa dos Direitos Difusos (FDD), mecanismo de reparação fluida dos direitos coletivos lesados e não reparados, criado pela Lei nº 7.347, de 1985. O exame do problema demonstra que, embora a arrecadação de receitas tenha sido elevada, ao longo dos últimos anos, a União não aplica os recursos aportados ao fundo, mantendo-os em caixa com o objetivo de realizar políticas públicas de superávit, não relacionadas com a origem dos recursos. Conclui que esse comportamento viola a Constituição e a própria razão de existir do fundo. This paper, using empirical data, analyses the administration of the Federal Fund for Diffuse Rights (FDD), which is intended, in Brazil, as a mechanism to indemnify groups whose rights have been violated and not redressed. The Fund was created by Law 7.347 of 1985. Our examination of the topic shows that, although substantial revenues amounts have been collected for the fund in the last few years, the money has not been used by the federal government for the purpose intended, but has been withheld in order to comply with public policy for a budget surplus. The paper concludes that this behavior violates the constitution and the very cause of the fund’s existence.

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