Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) will soon be replaced by wide band gap devices (SiC and GaN) as the choice for power semiconductor switch in voltage source inverters. These devices have extremely fast rise time and fall time compared with IGBT devices. The high dv/dt of pulse-width modulation outputs create excessive voltage stress in the insulation system of ac motors due to voltage reflection issues associated with motors at large distances from the drive. In many oil field applications, the distance between the motor and the variable frequency drive approaches 300 m. In walking rig applications, it is common to use multiple smaller sized conductors per phase, bunched together, to achieve the desired ampacity. This practice results in higher than usual value of the cable parasitic capacitance. Traditional dv/dt filters used for mitigating over-voltage at motor terminals have been found to be inadequate in reducing the over voltage at the motor terminals in such oil field installations. The damping resistor often experiences high voltage and gets damaged. A new dv/dt filter suitable for use with high power ac motors at distances nearing 300 m with a built-in resistor failure detection circuit is proposed here. Test results are given to demonstrate its efficacy.
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