
This paper focuses on interpretations of the term “phraseological innovations” and different terms that linguists use to name the new phraseological units. The study found that phraseological innovations are expressive expressions that have not been registered in dictionaries of modern literary languages, or have been reproduced or updated in new social conditions, or have been created through transformations of already known paremias, winged expressions and phrases, as well as were borrowed from another language. Based on the texts of the electronic media and the texts of the Facebook, new phraseological units were analyzed according to three features: the method of creation, the structure and the morphological belonging of the core word. According to the method of creation, we single out newly created and updated (transformed, modified) units among the studied neophraseologisms. Newly created (відправити услід за російським кораблем, закрити небо над Україною, продати квиток на концерт Кобзона, ядерний шантаж) and modified neophraseologisms (Моя хата всюди, світ ловив його, та не спіймав / Світ ловив його та спіймав, новий Берлінський мур) are substantiated with modern examples of usage. On the basis of the grammatical structure, the units that are structurally related to phrases (бандерівське смузі, влаштувати/зробити Чорнобаївку, колективний Путін) and sentences (Побачити Україну і померти) are singled out. According to the core word, among the studied neophraseologisms, we distinguish three groups: verb combinations (відправити на концерт Кобзона, закрити небо, бути під парасолькою НАТО, піти услід за російським кораблем), noun compounds (економічна спецоперація, смертельні подарунки, ядерний шантаж) and single exclamatory sentences (Доброго вечора, ми з України! ). The main mechanisms of neophraseologisation are identified: metaphorization, change of connotation, partial or complete change of meaning, spread of a commonly used expression, reduction of a component composition, and replacement of one component by another, various morphological and syntactic transformations in the phrase. It was demonstrated the emergence of new compounds, which function with the meanings formed and reproduced in language practice, become constants of the modern language community.

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