
This article deals with English and Russian phraseological units (PUs) with the component denoting family relationship (Russian семья and English family) within its structure; the study of their semantic, emotionally expressive and stylistic features. Thus, PUs were selected from a number of mass media texts and phraseological dictionaries. Phraseological unit has always been considered the most important bearer of specifics of the language. Therefore, constant studies of functioning of the native and non-native languages, the process of teaching and cross-cultural communication demands the skillful use of languages. The relevance of the research material is explained by the fact that phraseology is an important part of the language system that reflects the picture of the world of native speakers. Such effective transformations as: 1. Lexical transformations, 2. Syntactic transformations, 3. Morphological transformations are under study in this article. Phraseological unit is analyzed in the context that combines both information and influence on the reader or listener. The author expresses his own attitude using emotional, expressive phraseological units.

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