In this study, the natural dye from rosa and genus taget flower is extracted through aqueous, alkaline and acidic extraction method and applied on cotton fabric and then evaluated its results. For dye extraction, petals of red rose was boiled and then filter the solution and decolorized petals were taken out of it. By using AATTC 61 dyeing method dye was applied on fabric in Industry. In aqueous, acidic and alkaline extraction same method used. In acidic extraction acidic acid and alkaline extraction sodium hydroxide was used. After applying natural dye on cotton fabric evaluated its result through colourfastness to wash and colourfastness to light tests. In colourfastness to wash the shade change and staining was measured through washing procedure. In colourfastness to light the shade change was measured through light procedure four readings were taken and mean was calculated. The result were interpreted in tables and graphs by using SPSS. In both test dyes from acidic extraction gives best results.
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