
This paper presents an exploration of a specific type of a generalized multicomponent solution model, which appears to be first given by Saulov in the current explicit form. The assumptions of the underlying theory and a brief derivation of the main equation have been provided preliminarily for completeness and notational consistency. The resulting formulae for the Gibbs free energy of mixing and the chemical potentials are multivariate polynomials with physically meaningful coefficients and the mole fractions of the components as variables. With one additional assumption about the relative magnitudes of the solvent-solute and solute-solute interaction exchange energies, combining rules were obtained that express the mixed coefficients of the polynomial in terms of its pure coefficients. This was done by exploiting the mathematical structure of the asymmetric form of the solvent chemical potential equation. The combining rules allow one to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the solvent with multiple solutes from binary mixture data only (i.e., each solute with the solvent), and hence, are of practical importance. Furthermore, a connection was established between the osmotic virial coefficients derived in this work and the original osmotic virial coefficients of Hill found by employing a different procedure, illustrating the equivalency of what appears to be two different theories. A validation of the combining rules derived here has been provided in a separate paper where they were successfully used to predict the freezing points of ternary salt solutions of water.

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