
Both the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic are countries with a strong dependence of pupils' results on the socio-economic and cultural position of their families. Obviously, the school should act in such a way as to compensate for the effects caused by the different socio-economic background of the pupils and thus positively influence their results. However, in both countries, the educational systems are unable to reduce inequalities caused by the different family backgrounds of pupils. On the contrary, it rather strengthens these inequalities. Already in our previous researches (Svoboda, 2010) we have shown that primary school teachers in the Czech Republic approach differently the support of socially disadvantaged students from the majority and the Roma students. In this article, we present the results of a research study aimed at evaluating selected aspects of support for socially disadvantaged children from the perspective of another group of important actors in school life, namely primary school pupils. The primary goal of the presented part of the research probe was to find out to what extent students accept different possibilities of supporting socially disadvantaged pupils and their families. The secondary goal was to find out whether the level of acceptance of support for the student or his family differs in relation to his ethnicity.

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