
The article is devoted to the scientific basis analysis of the construction and application of pedagogical technologies of project activity in the course of training future military specialists-officers of the tactical and operational-tactical levels. Based on the scientific positions of leading Ukrainian scientists and work experience of higher educational institutions, modern pedagogical technologies of military specialists’ (officers of the tactical and operational-tactical levels) project activities have been singled out as the basis for the formation of their scientific and research competence. It has been found that project activity develops personal qualities that are significant for a military specialist. They are the following: creative thinking, independence, perseverance, responsibility, and humanity, which are especially relevant in the difficult circumstances of military operations on the territory of the country; pedagogical technology of project activity creates for students of higher military education the prospect of choosing their position and role in the system of relations in the project group, allows choosing individual means of research on each project – from a solution to complex and large-scale military models and programs.
 The importance of implementing the principle of the unity of professional training theory and practice in the process of organizing future officers’ project activities is clarified; conclusions have been made that the effectiveness of future military specialists’ planned, substantiated, conscious and algorithmized project activities can be increased using the means of pedagogical technologies: social interaction (interaction, mutual support, assistance during work on a project task); research (choice of effective research methodology, idea generation); organizational and management (planning, design and distribution of responsibilities, management decision, organization of joint activities); communicative (discussion of public speeches, formulation of one’s own point of view, preparation of conclusions, defense of one’s opinion, use of modern types of visualization, presentation and defense of the results of one’s own research); reflective (self-evaluation and mutual evaluation of results and decisions, self-analysis of products, etc.).

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