
Problem and purpose. The article analyzes the essence and content of universal competences provided for by existing educational standards in the system of higher pedagogical education. Among them there’s a problem connected with the low-level development of the competence related to the organization and implementation of project activities in graduates of pedagogical universities and in school teachers. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the essence and content of the general-purpose competence – “the capacity for projecting activity”. The methodology of the study is based on the analysis and generalization of regulatory legal documents in the field of higher education, “pedagogical education”, in particular. Theoretical materials and research works of scientists on the theme of validating the essence and structure of the competence content also serve as ground for the chosen methodology. The results. Scientific works were analyzed regarding the essence and content of universal competencies of students in higher education. During the study, the author’s concept of “the designing type of activities organization “ was determined. It became the basis for selecting the universal competence – “the ability for projecting activities “. The structure of the selected competence including six groups of project skills, that are developed in students during the organization and implementation of the project activity, was determined. The conclusion. The research of the issue of the essence and content of the students’ universal competencies was based on studying theses and scientific articles, and teachers’ experience devoted to this topic. The conclusion was made about insufficient knowledge about the complex of competences related to the project-type activities though the demand for them is great with employers. The approach to the solution of this problem presented in the article is grounded on singling out the universal students’ competence, that is, “the capability for project-type activity organization” the essence of which is in organizing any activity as projecting.

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