
It was defined in the article that in recent years, the computer technology has been used in all areas of the profession, including the music industry. In light of this, there is a relevant need to study the problem of using music and the computer technology in the training of future musicians. Thus, some issues of the implementation of these technologies in the educational process were studied by I. Haydenko, I. Zabolotskaya, A. Markov, M. Podrazhanskaya, Sanyu Juan, M. Owl, Chen Zhuin, and others. However, the analysis of the scientific literature shows that the scientists interpret a concept of the computer and music technology ambiguously. Therefore, the research of the problem of the use of music and computer technology in the training of future musicians requires the clarification of the author’s point of view in understanding the meaning of the concept mentioned above. The purpose and the task of the article: to analyze the essence of the music and computer technologies, to reveal their role and meaning in the professional music education, based on the analysis of scientific literature. During the scientific research have been used the following research methods: general scientific methods (analysis, comparison, generalization) in order to study the scientific literature on the outlined problem and to determine the author’s point of view regarding the interpretation of the key concepts of the study, the disclosure of the role and importance of the music-computer technology in the music professional education. Based on the work of modern scientific works of Ukrainian and Chinese scientists, it has been established that the music-computer technologies are modern information technologies used in the field of music and, in particular, in the system of music education. These technologies play an important role in professional music education today, as they make it possible to significantly improve its effectiveness and to update a communication model between all participants in the educational process. It has also been found that the value of these technologies in the music industry is increasing year by year.

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