
Nowadays there is a deficit of qualified specialists in the labor market; therefore, the entities are forced to use internal training systemically and rationally. However, traditional internal personnel training and development methods not always are acceptable because they do not give the opportunity to organize simultaneous and equal training in territorially distributed company with rather small costs. Distance learning on the basis of higher educational institutions allows solving these problems.The research of modern actual problems and prospects of financing of distance learning of personnel of Ukrainian companies on the basis of higher educational institutions is carried out in the work. In particular, the current trends of personnel training and development in Ukrainian companies are analyzed. The perspective condition and efficiency of use of personnel distance learning on the basis of higher educational institutions are estimated.The analysis of the current trends of use of distance learning in Ukrainian companies allowed to make a conclusion that more than a half of respondents are guided by implementation of distance learning for the employees that, in turn, will allow to reduce expenses on their training. The assessment of perspective condition and efficiency of use of Ukrainian companies’ personnel distance learning on the basis of higher educational institutions designated the need of its implementation. It is confirmed by the expected perspective growth of the annual average training cost of one employee training. At the same time, this cost is higher than the cost of distance learning in four times.In general, the results of research will allow optimizing expenses on personnel training in Ukrainian companies that, in turn, will positively affect their profit, and, accordingly, the economy in the whole.

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