
The article investigates the theoretical and methodological principles of providing diagnosis in the formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry. The tools of the diagnostic function in the formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry are studied. The stages of realization of the estimating function of diagnosing at formation of the mechanism of economic safety in the publishing branch are offered. The basic characteristic features of methodical maintenance of diagnosing at formation of the mechanism of economic safety in publishing are defined. The stages of realization of the recommendatory function of diagnosing at formation of the mechanism of economic safety in publishing are substantiated. Elements of diagnosing economic security of the publishing industry are determined. A model of diagnostics in the process of forming the mechanism of economic security of the publishing industry has been developed.
 The methodical support of diagnosing within the procedure of formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing branch is offered, which takes into account the synthesized elements focused on knowledge of financial, economic and social threats in the intra-industry environment for detection of pathological changes in the publishing branch. the impact of factors on sectoral economic security. The complex nature of diagnostics in the formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry allows us to trace the dynamics of controlled and uncontrolled factors, intra-industry processes and phenomena in the relationship, give them an objective and unbiased assessment, explore direct and inverse relationships between factors, processes, phenomena and elements that affect the economic security of the publishing industry. It is proved that diagnostics is a part or function of the process of forming the mechanism of economic security of the publishing industry, it is a methodical tool for establishing the nature and scale of the influence of controlled and uncontrolled factors on the intra-industry economic system. Diagnosis in the process of forming a mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry should provide a preliminary assessment of the development of relevant processes, phenomena and events, which is based on information about their actual state and affect economic security in the intra-industry environment.

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