
The purpose of the article is to analyze the conceptual principles of the process of forming a mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry. Relevance of the topic is that the problematic issues of economic security in the publishing industry have determined the need to develop modern conceptual foundations for the process of forming a mechanism of economic security in the intra-industry environment, which will form theoretical and methodological support for effective economic protection of the national economy. In modern realities, there is a mismatch between scientific trends and reality on a number of issues related to economic security in the publishing industry and its businesses. The main negative reason for this is the lack of institutional regulation and intra-industry management of some basic aspects in the monitoring, diagnosis, analysis, evaluation and identification of a specific subject area of the publishing industry in the macroeconomic environment. The following general scientific and special methods and approaches were used to solve the goal defined in the article: morphological analysis – in clarifying the concept-categorical apparatus of the formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry; comparative analysis to use the comparison of processes, objects, phenomena, to identify the general and special, to study the causes of changes that have occurred, to identify trends in the formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry. The results are that economic security reflects the relationship and interdependence in the intra-industry environment, therefore, the process of forming the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry should be characterized with varying degrees of abstraction, according to the principle of convergence from abstract to concrete. Based on the achievements of management theory, it seems appropriate to apply a comprehensive approach to the formation of the mechanism of economic security in the publishing industry in a transformational environment. In the national space, the publishing industry is focused on creating the results of operational activities with high benefit, which in future periods may adversely affect their economic security, so it is necessary to significantly change the principles, models, mechanisms and management tools that will ensure the functioning and development publishing industry, taking into account the innovation component.

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